姓 名:秦蒙
职 称:讲师
职 务:
邮 箱:qinm@hfut.edu.cn
电 话:
2021年-至今 合肥工业大学
2015.09-2020.12 湖南大学物理与微电子科学学院,硕博连读
2019.10-2020.10 新加坡南洋理工大学,博士联合培养
(1) Meng Qin, Gangao Wei, Hangsheng Xu, et al. “Polarization-insensitive and polarization-controlled dual-band third-harmonic generation in silicon metasurfaces driven by quasi-bound states in the continuum.” Applied Physics Letters 124(5), 051703 (2024).
(2) Hongmiao Zhou#, Meng Qin#, Hangsheng Xu, et al. “Photonic spin-controlled self-hybridized exciton-polaritons in WS2 metasurfaces driven by chiral quasibound states in the continuum.” Physical Review B 109(12), 125201 (2024).
(3) Hongju Li, Hongmiao Zhou, Gangao Wei, Hangsheng Xu, Meng Qin*, Jianqiang Liu, and Feng Wu, Photonic spin-selective perfect absorptance on planar metasurfaces driven by chiral quasi-bound states in the continuum, Nanoscale 15(14), 6636–6644 (2023).
(4) Hongju Li, Gangao Wei, Hongmiao Zhou, Haixiao Xiao, Meng Qin*, Shengxuan Xia, and Feng Wu, Polarization-independent near-infrared superabsorption in transition metal dichalcogenide Huygens metasurfaces by degenerate critical coupling, Physical Review B 105(16), 165305 (2022).
(5) Meng Qin, Yu Zhang, HaiXiao Xiao, et al. “Investigation of dual-band perfect absorption and their hybridization on multilayer tungsten disulfide (WS2) gratings.” Journal of Applied Physics 131(4), 043103 (2022).
(6) Meng Qin, Lingling Wang*, Xiang Zhai, et al. “Multispectral Resonances and Coherent Control in Plasmonic Metasurfaces.” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31(4), 319–322 (2019).
(7) Meng Qin, Shengxuan Xia, Xiang Zhai, et al. “Surface enhanced perfect absorption in metamaterials with periodic dielectric nanostrips on silver film.” Optics Express 26(23), 30873–30881 (2018).
(8) Meng Qin, Lingling Wang*, Xiang Zhai, et al. “Multispectral Plasmon Induced Transparency in a Defective Metasurface Plasmonic Nanostructure.” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 30(11), 1009–1012 (2018).
(9) Meng Qin, Lingling Wang*, Xiang Zhai, et al. “Generating and Manipulating High Quality Factors of Fano Resonance in Nanoring Resonator by Stacking a Half Nanoring.” Nanoscale Research Letters 12(1), 578 (2017).
(10) Meng Qin, Xiang Zhai, Lingling Wang*, et al. “Double Fano resonances excited in a compact structure by introducing a defect.” EPL 114(5), 57006 (2016).
获2021年第七届全国大学生物理实验竞赛 一等奖,第一指导教师。