姓 名:胡继刚
职 称:教授
职 务:光学工程系书记
邮 箱:hujigang@hfut.edu.cn
电 话:0551-63831392
胡继刚,男,2010年获中国科学技术大学光学专业理学博士学位,合肥工业大学物理学院教授、博士生导师,光学工程系党支部书记,光学工程硕士授权点负责人,安徽省光学学会理事、副秘书长,中国光学学会光电技术专业委员会委员,OSA、IEEE-APS、SPIE会员。2014.02-2015.03在美国University of Dayton夫琅禾费光电研究中心开展光学耦合共振器件与光场调控方面研究。近年来,主要从事微小光学耦合共振器及其在光电成像探测、传感方面的应用研究,主要包括:激元耦合共振效应及调控、强耦合光学微结构、光谱成像与检测技术等。在IEEE Trans. Electron Dev., Opt. Lett., Opt. Express, Appl. Phys. Lett., 等期刊发表论文九十余篇,申请专利16项。应邀为Optica, ACS Photonics, Opt. Lett., 等业内期刊审稿。参加领域内国际学术会议(OSA/SPIE/COS)并做口头报告十余次。主持国家自然科学基金、安徽省自然科学基金项目,先后作为主要成员参加国家重点基础研究计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目等课题研究。获“安徽省自然科学二等奖”1项,获“合肥工业大学最受欢迎的老师”荣誉称号。
1. 在研主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,区域创新发展联合基金项目1项,企业委托培养项目1项。
2. 曾主持安徽省自然科学基金项目2项,骨干参与国家重点基础研究计划子课题项目2项。
1. L.-M. Zhou, X. Zhu, Y. Zheng, L. Wang, C. Huang, X. Jiang, Y. Shi, F.-W. Sun, and J.-G. Hu*, "Superfast and sub-wavelength orbital rotation of plasmonic particles in focused Gaussian beams," Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 031111 (2023).
2. W. Qiu, L. Zhou, Y. Wang, X. Jiang, C. Huang, L. Zhou, Q. Zhan, and J.-G. Hu*, "Strong coupling of multiple optical interface modes with ultra-narrow linewidth in one-dimensional topological photonic heterostructures," Opt. Express 31, 20457-20470 (2023).
3. C. Huang, H. Liu, S. Wu, X. Jiang, L. Zhou, and J.-G. Hu*, "Physics-guided neural network for channeled spectropolarimeter spectral reconstruction," Opt. Express 31, 24387-24403 (2023).
4. W. Fei, X. Jiang, L. Dai, W. Qiu, Y. Fang, D. Li, J.-G. Hu*, and Q. Zhan, "Polarization-selective narrow band dual-toroidal-dipole resonances in a symmetry-broken dielectric tetramer metamaterial," Opt. Express 31, 9608-9619 (2023).
5. L.-M. Zhou, Y. Shi, X. Zhu, G. Hu, G. Cao, J.-G. Hu, and C.-W. Qiu, "Recent Progress on Optical Micro/Nanomanipulations: Structured Forces, Structured Particles, and Synergetic Applications," ACS Nano 16, 13264-13278 (2022).
6. C.-Y. Wu, M. Wang, J. Li, Y. Le, W. Fei, J.-G. Hu*, D. Wu, Y.-X. Zhou, and L.-B. Luo, "Non-Ultrawide Bandgap Semiconductor GaSe Nanobelts for Sensitive Deep Ultraviolet Light Photodetector Application," Small 18, 2200594 (2022).
7. L. Wang, B. H. Chen, C. Y. Fang, J. He, C. Y. Wu, X. Zhang, X. P. Yang, J. B. Mao, J.G. Hu*, and L. B. Luo, "Wavelength-Tunable Multispectral Photodetector With Both Ultraviolet and Near-Infrared Narrowband Detection Capability," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 1-4 (2022).
8. X. Jiang, L. Zhou, J.-G. Hu*, and T. Wang, "Nanostructured multilayer hyperbolic metamaterials for high efficiency and selective solar absorption," Opt. Express 30, 11504-11513 (2022).
9. J.-G. Hu*, Y. Xiao, L.-M. Zhou, X. Jiang, W. Qiu, W. Fei, Y. Chen, and Q. Zhan, "Ultra-narrow-band circular dichroism by surface lattice resonances in an asymmetric dimer-on-mirror metasurface," Opt. Express 30, 16020-16030 (2022).
10. C. Zhang, B. Wang, R. Luo, C. Wu, S. Chen, J.-G. Hu*, C. Xie, and L. Luo, "Enhanced Light Trapping in Conformal CuO/Si Microholes Array Heterojunction for Self-Powered Broadband Photodetection," IEEE Electron Device Letters 42, 883-886 (2021).
11. L. Wang, H. Luo, H. Zuo, J. Tao, Y. Yu, X. Yang, M. Wang, J.-G. Hu*, C. Xie, D. Wu, and L. Luo, "Highly Sensitive Narrowband Si Photodetector With Peak Response at Around 1060 nm," IEEE Trans. Electron Dev., 1-4 (2020).
12. J.-G. Hu*, W. Liu, W. Xie, W. Zhang, E. Yao, Y. Zhang, and Q. Zhan, "Strong coupling of optical interface modes in a 1D topological photonic crystal heterostructure/Ag hybrid system," Opt. Lett. 44, 5642-5645 (2019).
13. J.-G. Hu*, W. Xie, J. Chen, L. Zhou, W. Liu, D. Li, and Q. Zhan, "Strong hyperbolic-magnetic polaritons coupling in an hBN/Ag-grating heterostructure," Opt. Express 28, 22095-22104 (2020).
14. J.-G. Hu*, E. Yao, W. Xie, W. Liu, D. Li, Y. Lu, and Q. Zhan, "Strong longitudinal coupling of Tamm plasmon polaritons in graphene/DBR/Ag hybrid structure," Opt. Express 27, 18642-18652 (2019).
15. L. Luo, D. Wang, C. Xie, J. G. Hu*, X. Zhao, and F. Liang, "PdSe2 Multilayer on Germanium Nanocones Array with Light Trapping Effect for Sensitive Infrared Photodetector and Image Sensing Application," Adv. Funct. Mater. 0, 1900849 (2019).
16. F. Liang, X. Y. Zhao, J. J. Jiang, J. -G. Hu*, W. Q. Xie, J. Lv, Z. X. Zhang, D. Wu, and L. Luo, "Light Confinement Effect Induced Highly Sensitive, Self-Driven Near-Infrared Photodetector and Image Sensor Based on Multilayer PdSe2/Pyramid Si Heterojunction," Small 15, 1903831 (2019).
17. J.-G. Hu*, X. H. Wu, H. Li, E. X. Yao, W. Q. Xie, W. Liu, Y. H. Lu, and C. J. Ming, "Tuning of longitudinal plasmonic coupling in graphene nanoribbon arrays/sheet hybrid structures at mid-infrared frequencies," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36, 697-704 (2019).